Jamila Haseeb - Apexx Consulting
What We Do
Jamila is an entrepreneurial minded coach who is passionate about personal development and enjoys being a champion for individuals and teams that are upbeat, enthusiastic, and creatively productive.
How I Can Help You
We recognize that the way we perceive challenges and problems have the potential to limit us from accessing the freedom, beauty, and creativity that life has to offer. for this reason, at Apexx we say, "Hidden within every challenge or problem is an opportunity."
We pinpoint exactly where those obstacles occur for you so you can discover for yourself how to maximize your positive contribution to this world.
Tapping into your deepest potential sometimes requires one to courageously embrace change and to climb out onto "the skinny branches" in order to harvest the sweet juicy fruit of accomplished success.
In her consulting practice, Jamila's strength lies not only in her cross-disciplinary background, but in her natural ability to notice, understand, and appreciate the differences in others. She excels at tailoring the curriculum to the listener so that they can discover how to utilize their differences as uniquely powerful talents and strengths.
Jamila's formal education consists of a background in Engineering and Art. She has 27 years worth of experience in the business world, which consists of 17+ years in the financial services industry and over ten years in advertising, sales, and marketing.
For the past 15 years, Jamila has been profoundly involved in the personal development field, as a student, volunteer, and program leader.
She lives in California enjoys spending time with her family and friends, and has a plethora of hobbies and interests that she is always challenged to find time to indulge in and enjoy.
Jamila is the recipient of the Max Block Humanitarian Award, as well as several professional acknowledgments, awards, and designations throughout her various careers.
Apexx is built on a foundation of inspired action, empowerment, leadership, and authenticity intertwined with the belief that life is filled with endless possibilities.